How efficient is your inhouse computer support?

If you’re relying on your employees to keep your IT and systems all running smoothly and don’t have any IT support, then take our quiz to make sure it’s all operating as it should?

  • Do you have a robust and tested backup system in-place for your critical business data?
  • Do your staff all back up centrally?
  • Do you have a documented process for data recovery should the worst happen?
  • Do you have a data recovery process?
  • Do you regularly test it to make sure the right information is recoverable?
  • Do you know what to do if you lose all your data?
  • Do your staff know how to share documents (rather than email them to each other)?
  • Do you use the cloud or a shared resource for efficient data collaboration?
  • Can you access an employee’s file when they’re not in the office?
  • Do you know if you should be using a VPN or SSL, or even what they are?
  • Do you know how to go about an upgrade?
  • Do your computers start up quickly and without issue?

If you’ve answered no to any of the questions above, then the chances are that your systems are not running as effectively as they could, you may have undiagnosed problems and worse still, your data and your business could be at serious risk. Your IT support is too important to leave to chance.